
What is HTML?

Web Definitions for HTML;

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
It provides a way to create highly structured documents by creating a text code for things such as text headings, paragraphs, lists etc as well as for links, quotes, and images. The computer can then decode the text to create the item encoded in it.

XHTML: Extensible Hypertext Markup Language
It is an extension of the commonly used HTML so that it confirms to the rules of XML (Extensible Markup Language).

CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
It is a way to describe the visual effects and appearance of a page, most commonly web pages, in order to separate a part of the page (Ex. An image from a webpage).

5 Tips For Web Design:

- Have a Clean Layout. Jumbled pages and whacky headings are no fun to sort theough, it's best if your site makes sense

- Design For ALL Resolutions. People with Dial-Up and
Web-Skii need to have fun too. Be kind, use only images which can be viewed clearly no matter what resolution beople are using to view it.

- Neat and Easy Navigation. To make your site sticky, you have to be clever, think of new ways to keep viewers on forever.

- Hit an Optimum Load Time. It is no fun when you are trying to load a page and it takes FOREVER, so be nice to your viewers and don't add anything that will take that long to load. Besides, if it takes a long time to load, someone might log off, or leave it and forget about it.

- Make the Site Safe. Moms and Dads alike want their children viewing safe sites, so do them a favor and make your site clean, fun, and scam-free. Remember, what you put on the web stays on the web - forever.